
OriginTrail node building blocks

OT-node is composed of various modules that can easily be added or removed. It's even possible to have different implementations of the same module, making the ot-node very flexible.

As soon as you run the node, module configurations are picked up from the config.json file and used for module initialization. All modules must be initialized for a node to run properly.

Module types

The blockchain module

The ot-node blockchain module enables interactions with multiple blockchains in order to perform operations of the OriginTrail protocol.

Triple store module

The entire DKG state is replicated and sharded across the ODN network. Each node persists its designated replicas in its individual local triple stores (graph databases). The triple store module is responsible for connecting and communicating to a triple store avaiable to the ot-node. There are several triple-store implementations supported directly at the moment:

However, due to the standard implementation (W3C RDF / SPARQL standards), it is easy to integrate with any standardized RDF triple store.

The triple store module utilizes the Communica framework under the hood.

Validation module

The validation module is used to validate assertions seen on the network. More information on assertions can be found here.

Auto-updater module

If enabled, this module automatically updates the local node. Every 15 minutes, it checks if the remote (git) version of ot-node is different from the local version. If it is, the local node will be updated to the latest version of the code. After a successful update, the node will restart and start running on the latest version.

Network module

The network module takes care of all network RPC communication between nodes in the DKG. It is utilized for implementing the necessary protocol choreographies such as the publishing choreography. Under the hood, it is utilizing an implementation of Kademlia.

HTTP client module

Client applications use HTTP requests to communicate with the node. The HTTP client module implements the endpoints at which requests can be made and defines the ot-node's response to HTTP requests.

Repository module

The repository module is responsible for establishing connections with the operational database and storing, updating, and deleting commands and operations data. Storing commands and operations states makes the node fault tolerant, making it possible to, in, e.g., the case of node restart, continue from the last preserved state of operation and continue working from where it left off.

We expect additional modules to be added in the future based on the evolution of the DKG implementations.

Last updated

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