Deploy your Edge node based project

By following these steps, you will be able to clone and execute the automated installer, enabling you to easily set up the DKG Edge Node with minimal configuration.

The deployment involves a few simple steps:

  • Updating the installer with your forked repositories (URL's)

  • Running the installer

  • Configuring DKG Edge node services

This process ensures a fast and efficient deployment, making it ideal for those who want to get hands-on with DKG Edge Node functionalities without extensive setup.

Please note that the automated installer currently supports Ubuntu versions 20.04, 22.04, and 24.04.

System Requirements

  • OS: Linux

  • RAM: At least 8 GB

  • CPU: 4

  • Storage: At least 20 GB available space

  • Network: Stable internet connection

Software Dependencies

Ensure the following services are installed:

  • Git

Step 1: Clone the installer repository

In oder to clone the Edge node isntaller repository simply run the commands below on your Linux server:

git clone
cd edge-node-installer
chmod +x

Step 2: Update the installer with your repositories

If you do not provide the installer with your forked Edge node services (repositories), it will setup the basic two examples of knowledge mining pipelines and one SPARQL-based decentralized Retrieval Augmented Generation (dRAG).

Open installer with nano or any other file editor and replace the following values in the installer to match your repositories:


If your repositories are not publicly available, URL should contain a token. Example:<organization>/<project>.git

Step 3: Execute the installer

Simply run the installer with the command provided below:


The installation process may take up to 30 minutes.

When the installation process is finalized, you will be provided with the following Edge node services deployed to your Linux server:

Each Edge Node service will have its required runtime environment and dependencies properly configured. This includes the installation and setup of Node.js (with npm), Python, MySQL, Redis, and Apache Airflow.

All services will be configured to run as systemd processes, which will be enabled and started automatically upon installation.

Step 4: Configure Edge Node services

3.1 - Configure your V8 DKG Runtime node:

In order to configure and initialize your V8 DKG Runtime node, you will have to populate a few important placeholders in .origintrail_noderc configuration file:

  • <SERVER_PUBLIC_IP> (to prevent issues with NAT)

  • <your_sharesTokenSymbol>

  • <your_sharesTokenName>

  • <RPC_ENDPOINT> (Base Sepolia)




  • Whitelist your Linux server IP address on the V8 DKG Runtime node (see below):

"auth": {
    "ipWhitelist": [

If you are not familiar with how wallets work on V8 DKG Runtime node, please check section related to wallets, here.

Once the configuration files has been provided with all the required inputs, initiate your node with the otnode-start command. Additionally, make sure that you check your V8 DKG Runtime node logs by executing otnode-logs command and wait for the "Node is up and running!" log to be printed.

3.2 - Configure the rest of the DKG Edge node services

The instructions for configuring DKG Edge Node services are available in the README file of each service's GitHub repository, where you can follow the steps provided.

  • Edge Node Authentication service (README instructions)

  • Edge Node API (README instructions)

  • Edge Node UI (README instructions)

  • Edge Node Knowledge mining (README instructions)

  • Edge Node dRAG (README instructions)

Need help?

If you encounter any issues during the installation process or have questions regarding any of the above topics, we kindly invite you to join our official Discord channel and ask for assistance.

Last updated