V8 DKG Core node installation
This page will guide you trough the V8 DKG Core Node installation process
The installation process involves interacting with the installer through the terminal. To proceed you should have all the required input ready, as they will be required by the installer.
Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 or 24.04 instance
Admin and operational keys and their private keys
Funds on the wallets
RPC endpoints
Firewall configured
1. How the installer works:
The provided installer is designed for installing the OriginTrail node on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, 22.04 LTS and 24.04 LTS distributions. It is also possible to install the OriginTrail node on other systems, but it would require modifications to the installer. If you have any such modifications in mind, we highly encourage your contributions. Please visit our GitHub for more information.
During the installation process, OriginTrail node installer will execute the following actions:
Check for the Ubuntu OS version compatibility
Install required Node.js version together with NPM
Deploy OriginTrail node directory and install all required modules
Configure and enable OriginTrail node service (as systemctl)
Configure your nodes .origintrail_noderc file based on the provided inputs:
Admin and operational keys,
Node shares token name and symbol
Operator fee (value between 0 - 100 based on your choice)
RPC endpoint
Install and enable MySQL service and create operationaldb for the node
Configure MySQL user password for the OriginTrail node operational database (based on your inputs)
Install and enable Tripple store database
Automatically deploy otnode-logger.service in order to pass logs to OriginTrail team
To disable otnode-logger.service, execute the following commands on the server once the installation is finalized
Installer video tutorial:
Before proceeding, make sure to check our quick video tutorial, which explains the process of interacting with the installer.
2. Download OriginTrail V8 DKG Core node installer:
Ensure that you're logged in as root. Then, execute the following command in order to download the installer and grant it executable access:
3. Execute the installer by running:
Do not run the installer with "sudo".
4. Verify V8 DKG Core node installation:
If your installation has been successful, your node will show the “Node is up and running!” log as shown in the example image below:
Congratulations, your V8 DKG Core node is up and running!
Useful commands:
Starting your node: otnode-start
or systemctl start otnode
Stopping the node: otnode-stop
or systemctl stop otnode
Restarting the node: otnode-restart
or systemctl restart otnode
Showing node logs: otnode-logs
or journalctl -u otnode --output cat -fn 100
Opening the node config: otnode-config
or nano /root/ot-node/.origintrail_noderc
Need help?
If you encounter any issues during the installation process or have questions regarding any of the above topics, jump into our official Discord channel and ask for assistance.
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Last updated